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Worthless is the sentiment which carries little importance. The word is often used to depict whatever that lacks significance. This indicates the state of nothingness or unimportance.
Trivial can be synonymous with meaninglessness. This word can describe a scenario which is devoid of purpose or content. If utilized in private context, meaninglessness might furthermore refer to an sentiment of being despondency or dismay. Fundamental feelings of meaninglessness might result in sadness and an lack of drive.
Futile encounters can leave persons experiencing lost or purposeless. In such periods, it becomes crucial to look for meaning or find new routes to rekindle hope. Nevertheless, conquering meaninglessness requires introspection and a re-evaluation of values. Via identifying significance amidst meaninglessness, someone may restore a sense of accomplishment and direction.

Strife definition in American English
trifle EnglishFrench Dictionary WordReference com
|Dec 06, 2024
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