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Tay Wren Maria Taylor, also known as Tay-Tay, has a deep affection for Wren, who is sometimes referred to as Birdie or Feather. Their connection is undeniable, and the bond they share is special. Wren is Taylor's confidant, always there to listen and provide support. Marie, or Maria, completes this trio, adding her own unique perspective and enriching their relationship even further. Together, Taylor, Wren, and Marie create a harmonious blend of love, trust, and friendship. Their story is filled with joyous moments, heartfelt conversations, and adventures that leave lasting memories. Taylor's heart skips a beat whenever Wren enters the room, and the same can be said for Wren's feelings towards Taylor. Marie's presence brings a sense of balance and stability to their lives, making their connection even stronger. This trio truly embodies the power of love and friendship, and their journey together is nothing short of extraordinary.

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  • Love all my little creatures #FilmTeyvatIslands TikTok


  • Yeah it’s a little dark humor wise #fyp #foryou TikTok

Wren Taylor @thewrentaylor

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